Sofie Anny Nicea Velghe
Known for her dark and evocative art, Sofie masterfully blends personal history with powerful themes of trauma, ancestry and the fierce strength of the women in her family. Her work, influenced by subjects like Japanese horror films, kaiju and a fascination for science, offers a unique exploration of complex emotions. In contrast to the intensity of her subjects, Sofie is known for always wearing a bright smile. This adds a mysterious and compelling contrast to her deep, thought-provoking creations.
Throughout this shoot, Sofie is wearing the Premium Authentic Vans in the Baby Blue and Asphalt colourway. In her home studio she combined them with our new Submarine Chino in Brushed Canvas Asphalt, a Kimono in A-Gi Cotton Asphalt and a L/S Thermo in Off-White. While Skating Sofie wears a pair of Zoe Denim with a white Johnny Top and the Kyoto Overshirt in Old Rose.

Who is Sofie Anny Nicea Velghe?
In response to the question, we received an artist bio where Sofie keeps her self-perception private. It seems that the only way to get to know Sofie is to contact her directly and build trust with her.
What is your favourite part of the day and why?
Super early mornings when everyone is still asleep are the best. You can get stuff done without distractions at your own pace. Waking up early and seeing the world come alive is magical although Oji does not always agree. Getting him to wake up early for a morning walk often gets a side eye from him.

Where should we go for lunch in your hometown, Ostend?
Brasserie Chalet Mini Golf. (Laughs) Don’t ask me why, just go try it for yourself.
What is your favourite piece of the Eat Dust collection, and how would you style it?
The Garden Dress is one of my favourites for any occasion. Wear it with a pair of baggy pants underneath to go for full comfort. But you can’t go wrong with a Zoe denim and a classic Johnny Top

What is the last song/podcast/… you were listening to?
The last song that touched my ears was mEnorme by Linn Da Quebrada
What are your next travel plans?
Together with Oriana Mangala Ikomo, Aisling Phelan, and Viva Dean, I’m heading to Dublin for an art Residency. I'm really looking forward to it.
This is a question from our previous guest, Jorge. If you could be an animal, what animal would you like to be?
A Black Panther.
To end this questionnaire, what should we ask the next person in this series?
If aliens would land on planet Earth and you happen to bump into one, what would be the first thing you want to tell them?